Use a 'First - Then' board to visually show a child what he/she needs to do before he/she gets the thing he/she wants. For example: First, you tidy up this activity, then we will have the snack you asked for. Sometimes, you can even just use this idea by putting only 2 pictures on a picture schedule board, and gradually adding in more expectations before receiving the reinforcer / treat as a last step.
Remnant Bag / Book
A remnant bag or book is a collection of items from throughout the day - a piece of the day's craft materials, the wrapper from the fries at dinner, miniatures representing activities throughout the day. The remnants can go home at the end of the day for the child to discuss the day with his family, and come back the next day to discuss the previous evening's events with friends at school. Alternately, the remnants can be collected throughout the week and discussed every few days, or even integrated with a calendar.