Our research interests include the following: - Neurophysiological approaches to psychotherapy - The impact of interpersonal neurobiology on well-being - Neurodiversity and self-regulation - Supporting parents in facilitating self-regulation with their children - Supporting educators in facilitating self-regulation with their students - Supporting educators in understanding and implementing the Shanker self-reg framework (www.self-reg.ca) from an early age in order to support development and learning in the classroom Visit Casey's profile and journal publications HERE
Select Peer-Reviewed Publications and Conference Presentations
Burgess, C. C. (2023). Educator understanding of self-regulation and implications for classroom facilitation: A mixed methods study. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 0(0). [Published on Online First pending issue assignment]. https://doi.org/10.1177/1476718X231186613
Burgess, C. (2019). From paper to practice: Understanding and embodiment of self-regulation in Ontario’s kindergarten classrooms. International Journal of Holistic Early Learning and Development, (1). https://ijheld.lakeheadu.ca/article/view/1615
Burgess, C. (2016). Reframing Autism: A neuroscientific self-regulation approach. [Featured presentation at Council for Exceptional Children Ontario Conference]. Toronto, ON.
Burgess, Casey (2016). Reframing Autism: A neuroscientific self-regulation approach. [Featured presentation at Council for Exceptional Children Ontario Conference]. Toronto, ON.
Burgess, Casey (2016). Process, not program; Challenges to research and measurement of a self-reg framework [Poster presentation at Autism 2016 Conference]. Toronto, ON.
Shaw, N.T., McGuire, S.K., Burgess, C., Cameron, N. (2016). Clicker use at a small liberal arts university [Submitted Paper]. Algoma University, Sault Ste. Marie, ON. Burgess, C. (2013). Beyond sight words; teaching phonemic awareness to a student with autism spectrum disorder (Unpublished master’s capstone thesis). Lake Superior State University, Sault Ste. Marie, MI.
Burgess, C. (2012). Success Strategies for Children with Autism. [Paper presented at Lake Superior State University’s Education Conference]. Sault Ste Marie, MI.
Burgess, C. (2021). From Paper to Practice: Kindergarten Educator Understanding and Facilitation of Self-Regulation. [virtual presentation at APA 129th Annual Convention]. APA Division 16 SASP Research Forum.
Burgess, C. (2021). From paper to practice: Educator understanding and facilitation of self-regulation in the kindergarten classroom. [Presentation at the Rosa Bruno-Jofré Symposium in Education]. Queen’s University.
Burgess, C. (2021). From paper to practice: Educator understanding and facilitation of self-regulation in the kindergarten classroom. [Presentation at the Research and Innovation Conference]. Lakehead University.
Burgess, C. (2017). One Size Fits Saul: The difference between a comprehensive self-regulation process and commercially available packaged programs in reducing stress behaviour and increasing joy through engagement. [Presentation at Council for Exceptional Children Ontario conference]. Toronto, ON.
Burgess, C. (2018). From Paper to Practice: Understanding and Embodiment of Self-Regulation in Ontario’s Kindergarten Classrooms. [Invited conference presentation at Self-Regulation Summer Institute, Lakehead University]. Orillia, ON.
Burgess, C. (2017). Self-Regulation and the Learning Environment. [Invited presentation for Thrive Child Development Centre and community partners]. Sault Ste Marie, ON.
Burgess, C. (2017). Sensory processing, sensitivity, and self-regulating strategies for students in the classroom. [Invited workshop for Huron Superior Catholic District School Board professional development]. Sault Ste Marie, ON.
Burgess, C. (2017). Self-Regulation; The foundation of human development. [Invited guest lecture at Sault College’s Early Childhood Education program]. Sault Ste Marie, ON.
Burgess, C. (2016). Educational strategies across learning domains. [Invited workshop at Sault Area Hospital]. Sault Ste. Marie, ON.